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Undergraduate studies committee

The Undergraduate studies committee is tasked with providing guidelines for teaching and examination, as well as preparing proposals regarding teaching for decisions in the Chemistry department Board. The Undergraduate studies committee consists of a study director (chairperson), a study advisor (secretary), four regular members, and four alternate members from the faculty, as well as two doctoral - 2025-03-15

Organisation and governance

Heads of department Contact details to the Head of department, Deputy head of department and Assistant head of department. Heads of division and center Contact details to our heads of divsion and unit representatives. Board, groups and committees We have a board and several advisory groups as well as an undergraduate education committee at the department. Chemistry department board Who is on our d - 2025-03-15

Staff appraisals

General information on staff appraisalsA staff appraisal is a prepared conversation between an employee and his or her line manager aiming to develop the organisation and the employee.During the staff appraisal, the overall objectives of the organisation and the employee must be clarified and mapped, and the employee's competence development needs to be made concrete. The conversation should conce - 2025-03-15


Staff Pages Chemistry Internal website for staff at the Department of Chemistry. Current at the department The establishment in Science Village Read more about the establishment on the Faculty of Science staff pages. Strategic plan On our internal website, the strategic plan of the Department of Chemistry is published as a web version. Shortcuts Service functions at Kemicentrum Do you need to chan - 2025-03-15

Work environment and safety

The Department of Chemistry conducts extensive work with the work environment and safety. The systematic work with the work environment at the department is also part of the Kemicentrum's systematic work with the work environment.A large part of the Department of Chemistry's work with the work environment is coordinated with the other department at Kemicentrum (Department of Process and Life Scien - 2025-03-15

Individual Study Plan (ISP) meeting

The purpose of ISP meetings is to monitor the progress of doctoral education.The Department Representative (IR) is responsible for setting-up the meeting. The following individuals need to attend: the doctoral student, the main supervisor, and the IR. Assistant supervisor(s) should also participate.ISP meetings should be held annually but may be held more frequently if necessary. The first meeting - 2025-03-15


KILU offers a large number of doctoral courses, some of which are offered regularly, while others are provided as needed. You can find our course offerings on our English-language external website.There are also courses available at both faculties and within other research schools, as well as centrally at Lund University. - 2025-03-15

Annual leave, leave of absence and sick leave

Procedures for reporting illness, annual leave and leave of absenceDo you want to take annual leave or parental leave, do you need to care for a sick child (VAB), register illness or take time off for another reason? On Lund University's central staff pages, you will find information about what applies and how to proceed.Annual leave, leave of absence and sick leave – Routines for hand - 2025-03-15

Introduction of new employees

For new employees and guests who will work at the Department of Chemistry, it is important to get a good introduction, not least from a safety perspective. General safety regulations - mandatory readingIt is mandatory to read and follow the General Safety Regulations at Kemicentrum, which can be found on the Kemicentrum website. General Safety Regulations - KemicentrumIt is also mandatory to certi - 2025-03-15

Appointing staff

If you are planning to recruit staff, please contact the HR administrators at the department. Here you will find requirement profiles and procedures for recruitment. Fill in the form "Basic recruitment information" and the relevant requirement profile, in both Swedish and English. When the form is signed by your head of division, send it to the HR administrator.Recruitment at Lund UniversityRecrui - 2025-03-15


Welcome to the staffpages This website is currently under construction. More useful information for those working at Campus Helsingborg will soon be available here. Support Exam reservation Application form for exam reservations at Campus Helsingborg.  Security and fire safety - 2025-03-15

Exam guide

Routines for Campus Helsingborgs teachers planning exam. The exam guide is intended to be used as a step-by-step guide for teachers at Department of Strategic communication, Department of Service Studies and School of Social Work, when ordering exams at the exam organisation at Campus Helsingborg. The work internally at the Department can vary, and the guide is to be seen more as a checklist. The - 2025-03-15

Exam reservation Campus Helsingborg

This applicationform only applies to Department of Strategic Communication, Department of Service Studies and School of Social Work. Department ordering: (required) - Select -Dep. of CommunicationDep. of Service StudiesSchool of Social work Course/Course Code (required) Type of exam (required) Inspera "Locked computer" with SEB Inspera without SEB, unlocked computer Paper exam Exam Re-exam Re-exam - 2025-03-15

Mission, vision and values

Lund University's vision is to be a world-class university that understands, explains and improves our world and the human condition. The goals and strategies we define help us to both fulfil the requirements of the Higher Education Act and reach our full potential. Strategic plan In order to lead and develop the organisation in the future, the board at Campus Helsingborg has formulated a strategi - 2025-03-15

Security and fire safety

Important information about accident and emergency procedures that you should know if you are working at Campus Helsingborg. Evacuation in case of a fire or other emergency at Campus Helsingborg It is a good idea to be prepared in the event of a fire or any other reason for an evacuation. Find out what to do if the alarm goes off. Save Save and help people who are in immediate danger and evacuate - 2025-03-15

Research and funding

For researchers and employees working at Campus Helsingborg, there are unique calls to apply for. City of Helsingborg Research and Development FundLund University and the City of Helsingborg work together to develop activities at Campus Helsingborg. Every year, the City of Helsingborg contributes funds for research and development projects where the funds are used for projects that strengthen high - 2025-03-15

Call for strategic initiatives Campus Helsingborg

The University Board at Lund University allocates strategic funds to strengthen research and education at Campus Helsingborg through various calls. Here you can read more about the call for funds for new and established interdisciplinary initiatives and for pioneer funds. Campus Helsingborg is a unique part of Lund University, located in Helsingborg, that conducts cross-border education and resear - 2025-03-15

Detailed information

Detailed information on Pioneer fundsAimed at all organisations that want to try something new at Campus Helsingborg. The funds are to be used for innovative activities in the form of projects. Each organisation can apply for SEK 0.1 million per year for a maximum of 1 year (apply for a one-off amount of SEK 0.1 million).The interpretation of "innovative activities" is broad. Here are some example - 2025-03-15

Reservaition of premesis

During the semester, the booking office is staffed between 09.00 and 16.00, Monday to Friday (with the exception of meetings or illness) and can be reached via We will reply to your email no later than the working day after it is received. All bookings are made in the TimeEdit booking system. Booking/ordering of premisesSchedule booking: Bookings that are to appear in the st - 2025-03-15

Media studio

The media studio is a fully equipped room on Campus Helsingborg where professional media productions can be carried out in order to strengthen the communication of education, research and collaboration as well as develop digital educational material. - 2025-03-15